



日時 2018年1月25日(木曜) 16時00分から18時00分(15時45分から開室)
場所 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 36号館 6階 682教室

司会 早稲田大学 竹村和久
講演者 国立成功大学 教授 Dr. Cheng-Ta Yang, Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University.
題目:Attention and perpetual decision making
It is well known that selective attention has a direct influence on perceptual decision making. This talks reviews how attention biases or facilitates judgments of sensory stimuli by examining decision-theoretic models, such as the signal detection model and sequential sampling model, which assume the role of attention is to boost signal processing or reduce noise. These decision models assume that the processing order of multiple signals is invariant to any attentional influence. I have proposed the relative saliency hypothesis, which suggests that attention affects how multiple signals are accumulated for perceptual decision making. To support this suggestion, studies using Systems Factorial Technology (SFT, Townsend & Nozawa, 1995) are reviewed to examine the impact of attentional manipulations (e.g., spatial cueing, contingency, attentional instruction, payoff) on perceptual decision, using a redundant target detection task. Results highlight the flexibility of the perceptual decision mechanism, the role of top-down attentional control, and conscious awareness in selecting a decision strategy to optimize detection performance. Finally, the concept of processing capacity is discussed in relation to attentional capacity.

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