日時 2017年11月21日(火曜) 18時30分から19時45分(18時15分から開室)
場所 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 33号館 6階 第11会議室
司会 早稲田大学 竹村和久
講演者 Svein Tvedt Johansen (School of Business and Economics
UiT The Arctic University of Norway 准教授)
題目:Self-construals, trust and trust formation
発表要旨:We differentiate between three levels of self-construals, a personal, a relational and a collective self-construal. Different self-construals may coexist within the same individual to be activated at different times or in different contexts(Brewer & Gardner, 1996). The paper describes antecedents to the activation of different selves, how the activation of different selves influence the content or dimensionality of trust and information use or how people form inferences about trustworthiness. The paper shows how differences with respect to identity-related goals and information-use manifest itself in different cognitive representations of trust. Finally, the paper looks at implications for further research and practice.